The system drive usage was very high, so I started looking for the cause, and the cause was the cab_xxxxx files in the Windows temporary folder.


However, those files were not easily erased. I checked a little more, the cab_xxxxx files were creating when the CBS log file was compressing. Usually, the temporary folder files are automatically deleted, but it is confirmed as an error that occurred because the CBS log file could not be compressed.


Anyway, I thought deleting the CBS log files would make it easier to delete the cab_xxxx files in the Windows temporary folder.


The following is the way for deleting CBS logs and cab_xxxxx files:


1) Delete CBS Logs

 Path: %WINDIR%\log\CBS\

 delete CBS.log and CbsPersist*.log files


2) Delete cab_xxxxx files

 Path: %WINDIR%\Temp\
 delete cab_xxxxx files