[Hadoop] How to troubleshoot Ambari Server error that is related to SSL that occurred on the server while adding new Ambari hosts.

2020. 2. 12. 15:06IT/Linux


While adding new Ambari host using automated Install, the following error occurred on the Ambari Server:

	INFO 2020-02-11 13:35:08,456 NetUtil.py:60 - Connecting to https://SERVERHOSTNMAE.MYDOMAIN:8440/ca
	ERROR 2020-02-11 13:35:08,653 NetUtil.py:84 - [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:618)
	ERROR 2020-02-11 13:35:08,653 NetUtil.py:85 - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions.
	Refer to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022468 for more details.
	WARNING 2020-02-11 13:35:08,655 NetUtil.py:112 - Server at https://SERVERHOSTNMAE.MYDOMAIN:8440 is not reachable, sleeping for 10 seconds...

	Registration with the server failed. 

I tried to solve the error through several sites, but failed repeatedly.
But finally, I solved the problem through the following site: 



Resolution process:

First, make sure that the service that can install the Ambari Agent is running.

[Ambari Server]
# netstat -tapn | grep 8440

tcp6       0      0 :::8440                 :::*                    LISTEN      2159/java 

If the service is running, check or modify the following:

[Ambari Agent]

     ssl_verify_cert = 0 




After that, the agent service restart.

# ambari-agent restart